
Showing posts from September, 2020

Calculus : Lecture 1 - General discussion, history and infinitesimals

 $$\mathrm{The}~\varepsilon-\delta~\mathrm{blog}$$ Calculus : Lecture 1 - General discussion, history and infinitesimals This is the first "lecture" of a series of lectures regarding calculus. This will be a general discussion about calculus, why we need it, why it's not just a bunch of formulae to be memorized but rather something to be deeply understood and explored, like everything else in mathematics, how it all began, what the two general approaches to it are, how those two approaches compare against each other and which one do I prefer and why etc. A concise history Note : As the heading suggests, this isn't the full history of calculus, just a summary of sorts to give a basic idea of it's development. For a complete history, please visit this Wikipedia page about the history of calculus . Mathematicians, even those from ancient times have been interested in changes in the values of functions and in finding areas and volumes. This is how the field of calculu...

Calculus : Overwiew and contents

$$\mathrm{The}~\varepsilon-\delta~\mathrm{blog}$$ Calculus : Overview These series of posts on calculus are going to be my first "lecture" and I will happily accept any suggestions that you offer in the comments at the end. I was initially planning to start with trigonometry but I still have plenty of conceptual doubts regarding it and I thought it would be better to master it completely before posting it. So, I will post about trigonometry once I finish it, which might take up to a month and a half but I think the wait would be worth it. Anyway, let's begin. An important note The calculus that I will discuss in these series of posts is merely to be treated as a "crash course" for the calculus required for physics. So, I will not go much in depth about the topics of calculus but I will share some additional, interesting stuff in order to boost your interest in calculus, for example, the arc length formula, finding volumes of 3 dimensional shapes using calculus (...

How I study and teach

  $$\mathrm{The}~\varepsilon-\delta~\mathrm{blog}$$ How I study and teach I think it's worth mentioning how I study before my first actual post later today. If you know how I will approach concepts, you'll probably be able to understand why I do things the way I do them. Anyway, I believe that whenever someone's introduced to a new "field" (like trigonometry, calculus etc.), understanding why exactly learning about and exploring that field is crucial. It rids you of questions like "why on earth am I learning about this?", "what's the point of doing this?", etc. Basically, it gives you an idea of why you're doing what you're doing and keeps up your interest and confidence. In mathematics, especially, I like to think of it as this : We begin from scratch, in the context of that particular field. We either feel the necessity to develop that field or accidentally discover some relationship, that "sparks" the field. Then, we be...

About me

$$\mathrm{The}~\varepsilon-\delta~\mathrm{blog}$$ About me Who am I? My name is Rajdeep Sindhu. I am, as of September, 2020, a $10^{\mathrm{th}}$ grader. I love to explore various areas of Mathematics and Science (Physics, for the most part) and that is what inspired me to make this blog. The name of the blog, The Epsilon Delta  (or $\mathrm{The}~\varepsilon-\delta$) is based on the epsilon delta definition of limits in calculus, as you might have guessed. As of now, the thing I'm most proud of having done is made some formulae which make use of elementary coordinate geometry and $11^{\mathrm{th}}$ grade trigonometry to find the equation of the reflected ray, given the equation of the incident ray and the radius of curvature of the concave mirror from which the reflection is occurring. This began when I was trying to use coordinate geometry and trigonometry to prove that all the rays parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror meet at a point upon reflection but instead, I e...